Here you'll find a handy checklist of the essential requirements when submitting an application as an International student.
At the International Student Department, students can receive assistance for services such as obtaining student pass/visa, airport arrival transportation for new students, accommodation at TOA, medical check-up upon arrival, insurance, banking and more.
For further enquiries, email to or call 03-7875510 (ext. 135 / 137)
This process is explained in more detail in our Malaysian Immigration Section. In brief:
Your student pass / visa is only valid for 1 year. You are required to renew it annually throughout your course of study. (*subject to change by authorities.)
Once your EVAL is been approved, SSD staff will notify you via email that your eVAL is ready and attached with the Airport Pickup Request form so that you can plan to travel to Malaysia.
You are required to complete the Airport Pickup Request Form containing
email at least 2 weeks before date of arrival.
You are required to inform our International Student Officer of any changes to your flight arrival information.
You are required to open a bank account in any one of the local banks to assist you in managing your funds. Payment of fees may be made through this facility via telegraphic transfer.